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Lately I keep thinking a...

Go To Post     Lately I keep thinking a life of simplicity, less distractions...◽️ . When I was a kid, my folks built a house on land out in the country near the Everglades in Florida. They started from scratch on land that my dad had purchased when he was younger. It was kind of a wild idea for us, but also really exciting to have room to explore and grow up in. To create something from nothing and to do without a lot of the luxuries of city life. ◽️ . We lived on a limestone rock road...every time we drove down the road, a plume of dust would cover our vehicles. As a pastime, I loved riding my bike up and down that rough road (even though the rocks were so rough on bike tires and I had more than my fair share of scraped knees). My brother and I would walk to this bridge near our house and he would fish while I collected rocks and tried to catch minnows. I would ramble on about something and he would keep telling me to stop talking because I was scaring away the fish. ◽️ . Every day all day during summer I would read books and go traipsing through the woods collecting materials to make “forts” with neighbor friends.◽️ . We didn’t have cable tv til I was in high school, and by that time I was so used to not having television that i didn’t have much interest in watching it. I was 21 or 22 years old by the time I had my first cell phone. And it didn’t have text messaging or internet until years later.◽️ . Sometimes I think about how different my life would be without the constant communication, constant bombardment of information. If our eyes are the window to our soul, what does that say about the things we allow in front of our eyes? And even seemingly innocent things, maybe they aren’t good for us, maybe they keep us from seeing and knowing the other things God has placed before us that we’re often too pre-occupied to see. God has a still and small voice...on the converse, the world is loud and chaotic.◽️ . There’s something so satisfying about working with ones own hands and not having all the distractions we have grown so accustomed to (and maybe even our senses dulled by). Do you find yourself drawn to the simpler things of life these days? 💛